Public / Private Blockchain Development Company
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Public And Private Blockchain Development Company
Blockchain has become an essential part for every businesses today. Industries as wide as banking, healthcare, supply chain, transport, etc are looking upon blockchain technology, to make their business risk-free, immutable, transparent and take their business to the next higher level. Some businesses will want to their information to be shared with every user in the network, whereas some other businesses will want their information to be shared to certain users alone. Though blockchain is a single technology, to fulfill the privacy requirements of business, public and private blockchain emerged.
Public blockchain is an open network, where anyone can read, write or join the public blockchain network and as there will be no central authority, the data in the network becomes immutable.
Private blockchain are the network that are governed by a single entity or organization and limit the access of blockchain to certain users. Private blockchain can share the data with specific users without making it public to everyone.
Bitlab technologies has wide range of experience in blockchain development for different kind of industries around the world. With expertise in blockchain, we specialize in developing public or private blockchain, based on the requirements of your business, to streamline your business process effectively.

In case of public blockchain, the blockchain network is decentralized and not controlled by a single entity, whereas in private blockchain, one entity or organization will have the control over the blockchain network.

Restriction to members
In public blockchain, there is no restriction to members, anyone can join and become a member in blockchain network, whereas in private blockchain network, the access to join the network is limited to certain users.

Sharing of information
In a public blockchain, the information will be shared with everyone in the network. But in case of private blockchain, you can control the users who can access the information in the network.

As the public blockchain is shared with everyone in the network, there is no privacy and is suitable for mass advertisement. But since the data in private blockchain is shared with specific users, it has more privacy and suitable to share business secret.

Public blockchain is a type of blockchain in which, anyone who solve the cryptographic algorithm, can join your blockchain network and view or share data in the network. Businesses using public blockchain can be benefited in the following ways:
Reliable and secured data
Storage of past and present data
Transparent and Immutable
Eliminate the need for third party
Reduce advertisement cost
Improve customer base
Reduce human work
Save cost and time
Lessen paperwork
Reduce fraudulent
Impact Of Private Blockchain Development
Private blockchain is a type of blockchain in which the access is limited to certain users. If you want to share your information with many people in the organization, and not with everyone, then private blockchain will help your business. The benefits of using private blockchain in your business is as follows:
Data not shared on the public network
Enhance privacy
Immutable record
Control and manage the users
Reduce the risk of loss
Double the security
Improve efficiency and Tamper-free
No additional costs and save processing time
Faster than public blockchain
Build trust between the investors

Why Choose Bitlab For Public / Private Blockchain Development ?

We, Bitlab technologies, is a pre-eminent blockchain development company in India. We have vast experience in developing blockchain technology for various types of industry in the world. Our experience makes us to complete any type of blockchain project, within the specified period of time. Our well talented blockchain experts strive hard to provide you with maximum benefit of public/private blockchain and take your business to the next level.
Hire our highly talented blockchain developers to get the best blockchain solutions for your business. Our blockchain development team of experts has deployed blockchain for various types industries and specialized in building public or private blockchain, as per your business needs. Our experienced blockchain developers provide end-to-end support to your blockchain development project, even after deployment of blockchain on your main network.