Blockchain IoT Development Company

Incorporating Blockchain application with the Internet of Thing (IoT), to create a new path that automate the business processes in a decentralized ecosystem for a smart business.

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Blockchain IoT Application Development Company

High security and trust is the reason why blockchain technology has begun to have a significant role in the fast growing digital world. Today, blockchain technology is being integrated with the new wireless technology called the Internet of thing (IoT) and began to revamp various industries as it has the ability to connect and communicate billions of things, over the Internet. The world full of internet and connected devices paved a way for blockchain IoT and has open up a wide range of possibilities for enterprises in the days to come, by improving trust, accountability and transparency, while streamlining the business processes.

Bitlab technologies is a leading blockchain IoT development company in India, holding remarkable experience in the world-changing technologies, blockchain development and Internet of thing (IoT). Despite the size and nature of your business, we specialize in creating flawless blockchain network with perfect IoT solutions, to reduce complexity and make your business more smarter.

Benefits Of Blockchain IOT

Internet of thing is the ground breaking technology, which simplifies any work through internet connected devices. When this technology is combined with the innovative blockchain technology, it becomes blockchain of thing and yields the following benefits to the wide business world.

  Additional layer of security

  Monitor product

  Build trust

  Reduce additional costs

  Accelerate transaction time

  Immutable record

  Reduce risk of loss

  Eliminate fraud

  Automate business process

Steps Involved In Blockchain IOT Application Development

Identify And Define The Problem

Blockchain IoT is all about providing solutions to any issue in the blockchain technology. The first step we do is identify the problem and its nature, so that it will be helpful for us to decide the next course of action with relevant solutions.

Fabricate Solution

Once the problem is identified, the next step will be deriving solution to solve the issue. The solution and other derivatives of it can be used effectively to arrive at a particular solution.

Create App, From The Solution

Now that the solution is fabricated, the next step would be, creating an application or any other asset, to test out the solutions that has been derived, to solve the issue, with all the requirements in a place.

Implement The Application

Now that the application or asset is created, it will be implemented to the defined problem and will be tested whether the application or asset, is helpful in solving the defined issue or not.

Support And Upgrade

Having known that the application or asset is running successfully and the users are reaping its benefits, continuous assistance will be provided to check if any further updatation or repair is needed.

Blockchain IoT Solutions:


Removing the peer-to-peer in blockchain will reduce the transaction fees while enhancing the transactions speed within the secure network.

Blockchain As A Service (BaaS)

Blockchain application will be combined with the cloud services, to readily deploy the projects without any complexity.

Blockless Distributed Ledger

The transactions in the distributed ledger can be identified and approved without having to use the blockchain technology.

Shared Devices And Private Entities

Share wireless devices connected on IoT and buy private entities with blockchain connected on IoT solutions to get the desired results.

Use Of Blockchain IoT At Industries
As technology changes, business world continues to become more fast-paced and interconnected. Blockchain alongwith Internet Of Thing (IoT) bring unexpected outcome to various industries. Some of the use cases are mentioned below


RFID and other IoT edge devices can be combined with the blockchain technology, to streamline supplychain process. The main advantage of integrating blockchain IoT in supply chain is that, it can be easily tracked by anyone in the network and the product can be monitored at any point of time and also know the present condition of the product, whether it is damaged or in a good condition.


Healthcare is an industry that will benefit the most, through electronic medical records. Blockchain will allow the medical center and patients to keep their own record so that the doctors can access them at anytime from anywhere. Blockchain combined with IoT devices will enable real-time monitoring of the patient’s health, therefore the patient can benefit from accurate treatment.


Integrating Blockchain and IoT in transport industry will improve the workflow and provide real-time visibility on the status of the vehicle in transportation. It will be easy for the customers to find a vehicle for transportation and blockchain IoT will benefit both, the user and the vehicle owner, while saving the time involved in finding the transport.


While the businesses started to adopt blockchain technology in their industry, Bitlab technologies has become a leading Blockchain IoT Application development company in India. We have highly experienced techno-driven team, who adept to the newest technologies and offer unique blockchain based IoT solutions for various industries around the world. Our experience in the field of blockchain iot, enable us to deliver your project on time, at appropriate cost.

Hire Our Blockchain Developer For Blockchain IoT

Hire our highly talented blockchain developers to get the best blockchain solutions for your business. Our blockchain development team of experts has deployed blockchain for various types industries and specialized in IoT. Our expertise, adept in integrating blockchain with IoT, to create a new growth success to your business. Our experienced blockchain developers provide end-to-end support to your blockchain IoT development project, even after deployment of blockchain IoT on your main network.

Drop us a line to know more about our big data solutio and we will get back to you soon.