Smart Contract Audit Services

Bitlab excels at providing premium level smart contract auditing services through various methodology to identify the security vulnerabilities and fix it before executing smart contract to the main network

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Smart Contract Audit

Smart contracts facilitates complete automation, decentralization and enhance transparency by removing the need for a middleman. Similar to tradition contracts, digital smart contract also includes a set of rules on the parties involved. The digital contracts executes itself when the the requirements are met. Now, to ensure the security of smart contracts, smart contract auditing is imposed. A smart contract audit is essential to make sure that the smart contract works as expected and aims at finding security vulnerabilities to prevent security breaches and hack attacks before it is being deployed.

Bitlab Technologies is the best Smart contract development company, who have trained professionals to audit your smart contract before its execution. We do thorough analysis of the smart contract’s functionality and performs all necessary checks against known vulnerabilities to eradicate errors in the digital contract and ensure that it is safe to deploy in the main network.

Who Needs The Smart Contracts Audit ?

Generally, it is a must to test any software products developed before its deployment, to ensure that it is bugs free. Similarly, smart contract audit is necessary to assure error free digital contracts and this service will be needed by,


  Industries with Smart Contract

  Owners and managers of ICO startups

  Product owners of Decentralized Applications

  Anybody who needs trust of stakeholders and investors

Why Is Smart Contract Audit Important ?

The importance of correct the smart contract code before its deployment are more in number because once it is written on the blockchain, the code cannot be changed. The effect of activating smart contract without proper audit could result in contract failing to operate in the desired manner or result in theft or loss of personal data. So it is very important to do smart contract auditing before implementing it on the main network. Some of the advantages of smart contract audit is listed below


  Prompt operation of smart contract

  Optimize the code

  Run the code efficiently

  Re-enforce authorization


  Boost confidence

  Saves time and cost

Our Smart Contract Audit Approaches
Smart contract auditing includes automatic and manual testing. Automatic audit is done to find commonly encountered security vulnerabilities while manual test shows the efficiency, logical, and optimization improvements.

Manual Code Review

We will examine the code line by line to know the areas with high, medium and low risk and potential security vulnerabilities. We learn your business logic and identify the flaws that could affect the smart contract functionality.

Fabricate Solution

Once the problem is identified, the next step will be deriving solution to solve the issue. The solution and other derivatives of it can be used effectively to arrive at a particular solution.

Static Analysis

We utilize static analysis to identify the vulnerabilities and classify into high, medium and low. These are usually related to transaction-ordering dependence & front running, under or overflow bugs, replay attack and other bugs in token.

Automate Code Analysis

Automatic analysis of code will automate the assessments with regards to critical areas of blockchain and smart contract. When we use this approach, the vulnerabilities are identified easily and quickly.

Industries Where Smart Contract Audit Is Used

Industries started to adopt Smart contracts in their business and so the need for smart contract auditing has been on rise. We serve various industries and help our client’s in developing and auditing smart contract as per their demand.


  Banking and Finance

  Supply Chain



  Real Estate




  Media & Entertainment

  Identity Management

Why Choose Bitlab Technologies For Smart Contract Audit ?

Industries avail Smart contract development to enhance their proficiency. Being the best Smart contract development company, Bitlab technologies holds a record of satisfactory clients. We are a reliable partner for smart contract auditing as we hold the features as below


  Detailed Report

  Extensive analysis

  Guaranteed Transparency

  Clear Audit Metrics

  Experienced team

  Audited 100+ smart contracts

  Proactive approach

Hire Our Professionals

Our smart contract development team provide complete support in building secure and cost-effective smart contract and perform smart contract audit before its deployment. Our professional team have extensive knowledge on analyzing the smart contract functionality and proficient in performing necessary checks against vulnerabilities. We excel in smart contract audit for various industries across the globe and efficient in delivering the project on time.